Well... Not much to say here. Probably an introduction.
I'm Mairujyat. I compose music and sometimes remixes. I want to get into composing for games. Etc.
Favorite color is green. Favorite composer is Grant Kirkhope. Favorite flash animator is currently a tie between Egoraptor and Harry Partridge. Uhh...
Anything else... hmn... I do fencing? I fence. Swords. yeah. And I play video games. Zelda. Halo. CoD. Battlefield. anything. etc. Big Zelda fan.
...I suck at biographical information. xD
Anyway, still waiting for my first two submissions to be approved. It's been, what, 3 days? Hopefully they're approved by the end of the week. It'd really be nice if they'd get approved by Christmas.
Whatever. Anyway, peace, cya, whatever. No idea who's reading this, but yeah. Good luck and stuff with whatever the hell important stuff you're putting off doing. I mean really, only reason you're reading this single post is the waste time, right?